Hello Everyone!
I'm just so excited to have finally received my February box from No Make No Life! I was pretty worried that my box would not arrive at all, but here it is! I'm super excited to share my thoughts on the products that they have sent over this month! The theme for this month is 'Sweet Date' to tie up with Valentines Day! If you didn't know, No Make No Life is a subscription box that carries Korean and Japanese make up! I'm bad with exploring asian make up, though I own a few korean products, so I thought this subscription box would be fun! I subscribed to it for three months first, just to see how I find it, I might subscribe to it longer, but we'll see how it goes!
If you'd like to try it out for yourself, you can click here to get $5 off your first box!

You can watch the full unboxing video on my IGTV!
Comes with a booklet that tells you a little bit about what's in the box!
It has a page for your lucky fashion item for the month! I'm a cancer and this month's lucky item was a comfy sweater. I dance in huge sweaters and I'm hoping my sweaters bring me a lot more luck this month! And the best part is that my lucky colour is baby pink, and you guessed it: I've a comfy sweater in baby pink. They also feature users of the NMNL box, which is always fun, they also have mini giveaway contests too!

Skin Milk Bomb Face Mask in Chocolate by G9skin
The booklet they gave said it was either going to come in chocolate flavour or strawberry flavour and I'm so happy they gave me the chocolate one. I'm not very excited about flavoured milk (until the Peppermint Chocolate milk from Farmhouse) and needless to say, I find artificially fruit flavoured milk the strangest.
If you're wondering, yes, it really does smell like chocolate milk and it was tempting to just give it a lick to see if it tasted anything like chocolate milk. Of course, I didn't try doing that.The mask's formula contains 1000ppm milk protein extract, giving moisturised, smooth and radiant-looking skin. I wouldn't see much difference since I'm only trying it once, but my skin definitely felt good after the mask! I used it right after I've cleansed my face. I completely forgot to take a proper photo while I was doing the mask, but if you follow me on instagram, you would have seen me try this a few days back! I was quite impressed with the mask for a few reasons:
1. It didn't feel sticky.
2. The mask itself fit my face perfectly!
I find that a lot of sheet masks tend to be very big, and they don't end up covering your face very well, but this mask covered my face pretty well and I'm so happy about that! The formula was gentle on the skin, and it absorbed pretty well, usually I would feel the urge to wash my face after using a sheet mask, but this time I didn't. I was pleasantly surprised, and I'd recommend this for sure!

Moisture Bomb Hand Cream in Grapefruit by Fascy
This is literally my FAVOURITE thing from the box. I knew it would be even before I tried it because I absolutely LOVE grapefruit. This product could have come in any of the four scents: Grapefruit, Peach, Strawberry or Violet, and I had amazing luck to have it come in my favourite scent/flavour! It smells so refreshing and it's very light on the skin, but it definitely moisturises very well. I carry this along with me because my hands tend to get dry once I wash them and I don't like the feeling of dry hands (who does though??) so this hand cream has been quite a life saver. I've been meaning to get one prior to receiving my NMNL box, but now I'm just glad I didn't!
Sparkling Eye Gloss in Honey Gold by Sweets Sweets
I'm sure some of you can find a better use for this product than I did. I simply use this as a sort of 'topper' for my eyeshadow look for the day. It spreads out very easily, but honestly, this isn't my favourite formula, it could be due to the shade or that I personally prefer glitter or matt shadows compared to metallic ones.
Lovely Eyebrow Pencil in 05 Black Brown by Tony Moly
I mentioned that this might be too dark for my eyebrows, but surprisingly, it doesn't look too bad! Then again, I'm not used to these soft of eyebrow pencils. I tend to prefer the ones, but I used it as kohl liner on my top lids and just smudged it out slightly for a soft grunge eyeliner look. I quite like it, honestly!
Sad to say, it is not opaque like my Marc Jacobs Gel liner, but this gives a liner that you can sort of buff out, if you're something that looks softer!

Colourful Cotton Balls by Cotton Cloud Nine
I think this product doesn't require much explanation. They're basically tiny cotton 'scarves' that are rolled up into little balls. I found that pretty interesting! They can be used for just about anything - from eye make up to nail polish. They're nice and soft, so they don't scratch at the skin too much which is good.
I'd say the only downside to these is that they're really small, I usually use about 2 cotton swabs to remove my make up, but when I removed my make up with these I realised I needed almost 5 pieces because they're so small! They tend to pull apart a little more easily too. On the other hand, they didn't give me much problems when I was removing my nail polish, so perhaps I'll stick to normal cotton swabs for make up and use these cuties for removing my nail polish!
Lip Gloss in Shiny Orange by Crayon Touch Me
First off, this smells like candy and I quite like it. The problem is, I feel like there isn't much colour in so this works well as a lip topper. The next thing I realised, was that this was quite thick in consistency and it's pretty sticky when you apply it too. I'm not too sure how to feel about this product because I don't usually like lip gloss to begin with, and this didn't really do anything too mindblowing.
Flower Puff in Pink
I wasn't sure what to think about this when I saw it in the box. It's not something you can bring around with you, and I'm someone who is always on the go. Then again, it's pretty soft and I think it'll be good to use for a quick touch up or if you're the kind that likes to lean your hand on your face when you're doing eye make up.

Savon De Chocolate Soap
It doesn't look like anything special, but this soap smells so amazing! It doesn't really emit a strong smell of chocolate in my washroom, but it's mild and pleasant for sure. I'm not too sure why anyone would want such a yummy-smelling soap as opposed to a fresh smelling one. But then again, that's just me!
I hope you guys enjoyed this blogpost! Don't forget that you can watch my unboxing video on my instagram. My March box came pretty soon so you can definitely expect another unboxing video on IGTV soon! I'll see you in my next blogpost!